We offer the Five Daily Prayers. Jumuah (Friday) prayer time is 12:30 pm. Visit this page for detailed prayer times.
Our prayer service is managed by Imam Salim Dukureh.
Daily Salaat (Prayers)
Talim-ul-Islam offers the public the opportunity to perform their salaat (prayers) five times daily at the centre.
Prayer Time Table
Jumuah (Friday) Khutbah 12:30pm | ||
21 December 2024
7:48 am1 Hours 15 Minutes |
Prayer | Begins | Iqamah |
Fajr | 6:22 am | 6:30 am |
Sunrise | 7:48 am | |
Zuhr | 12:17 pm | 12:30 pm |
Asr | 3:01 pm | 3:30 pm |
Maghrib | 4:44 pm | 4:52 pm |
Isha | 6:11 pm | 6:30 pm |
Note: Except for the Magrieb Salaat, the Adhaan is 10-minutes prior to Iqama Times shown.
Jumuah (Friday) Prayer
These prayers are performed every Friday at 12:30 during the time when our clocks are on Eastern Standard Time (EST) (Winter months), and is at 1:30pm when our clocks are on Daylight Saving Time (DST).
For these prayers, we have a rotation of Five Imams that will be presiding, as follows:
- Sh.Asif Ferose – 1st Khutba of the Month
- Imam Salim Dukureh – 2nd Khutba of the Month
- Sh. Mohamed Haniff – 3rd Khutba of the Month
- Guest Imam – 4th Khutba of the Month
- Sh.Asif Ferose – 5th Khutba if Required.
Taraweeh Prayer Service (Ramadaan)
Talim-ul-Islam offers Taraweeh prayers each night during the month of Ramadaan. The entire Quran is completed during this month of prayer. View our Ramadaan Time-Table for the times of this Salaat (Prayer).
Tahajjud Prayer (Ramadaan)
Tahajjud Prayers are Additional Late-Night Prayers.
During last 10 days of the month of Ramadaan, we at Talim-ul-Islam offer the public the opportunity to perform these prayers in congregation. The prayers begin after midnight. Call the centre at 416-745-5606 for the exact time start. The entire Quran is completed during those last ten nights.
At the end of the prayers the congregants will partake of a meal (Suhoor) in preparation for their fast that day. There are well in excess of 300 people in attendance for each of these prayers.
Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha Prayer Service
Due to the large number of congregants for these prayers, we offer two sessions of prayer. The times for the Eid Prayers will be published at least one week prior to their date.