Our Services

Talim-ul-Islam offers the following services:

Prayer Services

Talim-ul-Islam offers the five daily prayer services. During the month of Ramadaan we also offer the Taraweeh prayers daily, as well as the Tahajjud prayers during the last ten nights. We also offer the Eid prayers.

Funeral Service

Talim-ul-Islam provides all the Muslim Funeral Services needed. Contact any one of the following three persons for this service.

  • Br Zameer Khan 416-803-5079
  • Br Salim Dukureh 416-727-1077
  • Br Kamal Azeez 416-417-3353

Hall Rental Service

Talim-ul-Islam has a hall which we do rent out for weddings, and family functions. We also have a kitchen facility where we can prepare enough food to feed 500 people. We can therefore rent the facility and cater the food as well. Note that Government Health and Safety Regulations, as well as Halal Food concerns, prevent us from renting out our Kitchen Facility.

​For details on the hall rental, and availability please contact Br Kamal Azeez at 416-475-5606.